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Spring 2025 Class Schedule

Spring 2025 class Schedule

Courses offered for the Quarter
Course Title Instructor Day/Time Lab(s)
101 Earth Science for the 21st Century  Jacobsen
201 Earth Systems Revealed  Jacobson
341 Quaternary Climate Change  Axford 
343 Earth Systems Modeling Horton
390 Rock Deformation Mulyukova
390 Decarbonization Sageman
450 Nemmers Seminar Supercharged Osburn
450 Special Topics - TBD Jacobsen


Spring 2024 course descriptions


EARTH 101 - Earth Science for the 21st Century 

Earth science encompasses the geology, chemistry, biology, and physics of our planet, while appreciating its beauty. Environmental degradation, natural resources, energy, climate change, and geologic hazards are among the most pressing issues facing society in the 21st century. This course introduces students to Earth science through topical lectures and discussion of current events and research in Earth science. Topics include formation, evolution, structure, and composition of the Earth, plate tectonics and the rock cycle, the water cycle, climate change, paleoclimate, peak oil and fracking, renewable energy, nuclear fuel cycle and policy, geology of the National Parks, and job prospects in Earth science. 

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EARTH 201 – Earth Systems Revealed 

Introduction to Physical Geology: The study of Earth systems and their interactions. This course will approach the study of Earth systems from two perspectives: 1) description and classification of Earth's features, including Earth materials, internal structure, and landforms and 2) description and explanation of the physical, chemical and biological processes that form and modify these features. Topics include minerals; sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks; the interior Earth, oceans, and atmosphere; solid Earth processes, such as volcanism, seismicity, and plate tectonics and their interactions with the atmosphere and hydrosphere to drive surface Earth processes, such as climate, weathering, and glaciation; geologic time; global change. This course includes a mandatory field trip to Baraboo, Wisconsin (see registration requirements for details). 

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EARTH 341 – Quaternary Climate Change: Ice Ages to the Age of Oil 

Methods for reconstructing and dating past environmental changes, causes of natural climate change, and major climate events of the Quaternary through the present. Their relevance for understanding current climate change. Prerequisite: At least one 200-level EARTH course; or consent of instructor. 

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EARTH 343 - Earth Systems Modeling

Introduction to the art and science of reducing Earth's complex systems into simple numerical models to build a better understanding of how components interact and evolve. Recommended Background: At least one 200-level course in Earth or Environmental Science, one course in each of calculus and physics. Natural Sciences Distro Area