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Fall 2024 Class Schedule

Fall 2024 class Schedule

Course Title Instructor Day/Time Lab(s)
106 The Ocean, the Atmosphere, & Our Climate  Blair  TTh 9:30am-10:50am  F 11am-12:50pm
F 1 pm-2:50pm
203 Earth System History  Horton  MWF 12pm-12:50pm 


310 Aqueous Geochemistry  Jacobson  MWF 1pm-1:50pm 
342 Contemporary Energy and Climate Change  Axford  TTh 11am-12:20pm 
361  Scientific Programming in Python  van der Lee  TTh 9:30am-10:50am 
370 Geobiology  Osburn  TTh 2pm-3:20pm 


Fall 2024 course descriptions


EARTH 106 The Oceans, the Atmosphere, and Our Climate 

Most of our planet's surface is blanketed by ocean. The dynamic nature of the oceanic environment and how it influences the Earth as a whole will be explored in this course. The interconnectivity of ocean characteristics (chemistry, physics, geology, biology) will be stressed. This course includes short walking field trips to the lake front during class time 

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EARTH 203 – Earth Systems History 

This course covers the evolution of the Earth's dynamic systems and its record through geologic time. Emphasis of this course is centered on the physical, chemical and biological components of the Earth system that interact to regulate Earth's surface environment and how these processes have changed through time. Topics include the systems approach to Earth science, the co-evolution of life and Earth's surface environment, the carbon cycle and its relationship to climate, Snowball Earth events, and mass extinctions. 

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EARTH 310 – Aqueous Geochemistry 

Basic principles of aqueous geochemistry applied to geologic and environmental problems. Topics include thermodynamics, kinetics, acids and bases, pH and alkalinity, carbonate equilibria, surface phenomena, redox chemistry, chemical weathering, and numerical modeling. Recommended Background: At least 1 year of introductory chemistry is required. EARTH 310 draws from Calculus, Thermodynamics, Physical Chemistry, and Differential Equations, but these courses are not strictly required. Problem sets require basic use of Microsoft Excel. 

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EARTH 342Contemporary Energy and Climate Change 

The increasing worldwide demand for energy presents a number of complex interdisciplinary challenges, from resource depletion to climate change. This class will challenge students to answer the question, How shall we power the world in the 21st century? We will examine the history and geography of energy use; links between energy and climate change; inequities in climate impacts; challenge of sustainability; and the fundamental science of climate change 

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EARTH 361Scientific Programming in Python 

Introduction to coding, scientific computing, and visualization for analyzing data in the physical sciences. Emphasis on Python, but Unix, shell scripting, and Generic Mapping Tools are also introduced. Students undertake a significant final coding project individually or in pairs. 

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EARTH 370Geobiology  

A technical overview of the major topics of geo(micro)biology highlighting the fossil record, biogeochemical cycling, biomineralization, key tools of the field, historical geobiology, and astrobiology. Recommended Background: EARTH 201-0 (concurrent enrollment acceptable) and first-year chemistry. 

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