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Fall 2023 Class Schedule

Fall 2023 class Schedule

Course Title Instructor Day/Time LAB(S)/DIS
106 The Ocean, The Atmosphere and Our Climate Blair TTh 9:30 AM - 10:50 AM F 11:00 AM - 12:50 PM or F 1:00 PM - 2:50 PM
114 Evolution and the Scientific Method Sageman MWF 1:00 PM - 1:50 PM 
203 Earth System History Hurtgen MWF 12:00 PM - 12:50 PM
313 Radiogenic Isotope Geochemistry Jacobson MWF 1:00 PM - 1:50 PM
331 Field Problems in Sedimentary Geology Sageman TTh 12:30 PM - 1:50 PM
342 Contemporary Energy and Climate Change Axford TTh 11:00 AM - 12:20 PM
350 Physics of the Earth Bina MWF 1:00 PM - 1:50 PM Th 1:00 PM - 1:50 PM
353 Mathematical Inverse Methods in Earth and Environmental Sciences van der Lee TTh 11:00 AM - 12:20 PM
360 Instrumentation and Field Methods Beddows TTh 3:30 PM - 4:50 PM W 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM or W 4:00 PM - 5:50 PM
373 Microbial Ecology Osburn TTh 9:30 AM - 10:50 AM
450-03 Atmospheric and Climate Science Horton MW 2:00 PM - 3:20 PM 


Fall 2023 course descriptions

106 – The Ocean, The Atmosphere and Our Climate

The role of the world's oceans in the earth's climate system. Properties of the oceans and marine life. Interaction of oceans, atmosphere, and land. Natural Sciences Distro Area

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203 – Earth System History

Evolution of the earth system and its record through geological time. Interactions among the atmosphere, hydrosphere, sediments, and life on earth. Recommended Background: At least one credit in math, chemistry, biology or physics. Natural Sciences Distro Area

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313-0 – Radiogenic Isotope Geochemistry

Application of radiogenic isotopes to problems in geochemistry, petrology, hydrology, oceanography, ecology, and environmental science. Includes radioactive decay, nucleosynthesis, cosmochemistry, geochronology, mixing processes, and numerical modeling. Recommended Background: At least one year of chemistry coursework.

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331-0 – Field Problems in Sedimentary Geology

Field methods in stratigraphy and sedimentology; interpretation of depositional systems, facies models, and sequence stratigraphy based on field observations. Includes 3½-week late-summer field trip to Colorado and Utah. Prerequisite: EARTH 330-0.

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342 – Contemporary Energy and Climate Change

Interdisciplinary course examining global energy use and associated challenges, including the history of energy use, the science of climate change, and technological, economic, and environmental aspects of various energy sources. Registration reserved for seniors majoring in math, science, or engineering, and graduate students in all disciplines. Taught with ISEN 410-0; may not receive credit for both courses. Natural Sciences Distro Area

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350 – Physics of the Earth

Solid-earth geophysics: the earth's gravity field, the earth's magnetic field, interior of the earth, heat flow, elementary wave propagation, plate tectonics. Prerequisites: second-year standing in ISP; or comparable background in mathematics and physics and consent of both instructor and ISP director.

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353-0 – Mathematical Inverse Methods in Earth and Environmental Sciences

Theory and application of inverse methods to gravity, electromagnetic, seismic, and other data. Linearized, non-linear, underdetermined, and mixed-determined problems and solution methods, including regularized least-squares and search algorithms. Recommended Background: Python programming language and two of 1) linear algebra, 2) statistics for physical scientists, 3) differential calculus of multivariable functions.

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360-0 – Instrumentation and Field Methods

Theory and practicum on electronic instrumentation for monitoring and measurement in earth sciences, including data loggers, conceptual design and construction of electronic sensors, signal processing, data management, and network design. Recommended Background: 3 EARTH courses.

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373-0 – Microbial Ecology

This course will provide a framework for understanding the role of microbes in natural environments in terms of cell numbers, metabolisms, and interactions with geochemical cycles. We will delve deeply into the interactions between microbial populations, higher organisms, and even our own bodies. The course will finish on a survey of microbial composition and dynamics in key settings across the planet. Recommended Background: Basic understanding of chemistry, biology, and earth science.

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450-0-03 – Advanced Topics: Atmospheric and Climate Science

In-depth engagement with subjects and research methodologies pertinent to contemporary atmospheric and climate science. Topical focus varies by offering, but will include topics relevant to the following themes: climate change, detection and attribution, air pollution, atmospheric chemistry, earth system modeling, environmental and societal impacts of atmospheric phenomenon, and/or extreme meteorological events. Interested students should contact course instructor to discuss participation and theme.