Chris Parendo
Postdoctoral Scholar
M.A., Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University, 2014
B.S., Geology; B.A., English, George Washington University, 2009
Curriculum Vitae

- 847-491-3493
- Tech F483
Dr. Chris Parendo specializes in applying novel isotope-ratio measurements and geochemical modeling to investigate various geological processes. During his PhD at Harvard University, he developed optimized procedures for analysis of K isotopes by collision-cell MC-ICPMS, and he examined material transport in subduction zones by completing K-isotope studies on hydrothermally altered ocean crust, marine sediments, and island-arc lavas. As a postdoc at Harvard, he produced Ca-isotope and elemental datasets on refractory inclusions (CAIs) in meteorites, and he employed kinetic modeling to elucidate rates of condensation in the early solar nebula. Currently, as a postdoc at Northwestern University, he investigates the rates at which Enhanced Rock Weathering can remove atmospheric CO2, contributing to understanding of carbon cycling. He also is applying Ca isotopes to understand processes of carbonation of ultramafic rocks, with implications for C fluxes and subduction-zone processes.