Suzan van der Lee
Department Chair, Sarah Rebecca Roland Professor, Director of Computing
M.Sc. Geophysics, minors in: Physics and Mathematics, University of Utrecht

- Website
- 847-491-8183
- Tech F496/F497
EARTH 102: Earthquakes and Other Earth-Shaking Events
EARTH 110: Introduction to the Solar System
EARTH 202: Earth's Interior
EARTH 323: Seismology and Earth Structure
EARTH 353: Mathematical Inverse Methods in Earth and Environmental Sciences
EARTH 360: Instrumentation and Field Methods
EARTH 361: Scientific Programming in Python
EARTH 438: Advanced Topics in Geophysics
DATA_SCI 401: Data-Driven Research in Physics, Geophysics, and Astronomy
USArray: Data Processing for the Next Generation of Seismologists
ROSES: Seasonal Seismology School: Remote On-Line Sessions for Emerging Seismologists
Selected Publications
Witek, M., S.M. Lee, S.J. Chang, and S. van der Lee, Waveform inversion of large data sets for radially anisotropic Earth structure, Geophys. J. Int., 232, 1311-1339, doi:10.1093/gji/ggac393, 2023.
Sita, M., and S. van der Lee, Potential Volcano-Tectonic Origins and Faulting Mechanisms of Three Low-Frequency Marsquakes Detected by a Single InSight Seismometer , JGR Planets, doi:10.1029/2022JE007309, 2022.
Zhang, H., S. van der Lee, E. Wolin, T.A. Bollmann, J. Revenaugh, D.A. Wiens, A.W. Frederiksen, F.A. Darbyshire, G.I. Al Eqabi, M.E. Wysession, S. Stein, and D. Jurdy, Distinct crustal structure of the North American Midcontinent Rift from P wave receiver functions, J. Geophys. Res., 121 , 8136-8153, 2016.
Lou, X., S. van der Lee, Observed and predicted North American teleseismic delay times, in press. Available online 27 December 2013, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2013.11.056.
Van der Lee, S., K. Regenauer-Lieb, and D. Yuen, The role of water in connecting past and future episodes of subduction, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 273, 15-27, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2008.04.041, 2008.