Brad Sageman
Professor, Director of Undergraduate Studies; Co-Director and Faculty Affiliate, Trienens Institute for Sustainability and Energy (formerly ISEN) Academic Director for Master’s of Science in Energy and Sustainability

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- 847-467-2257
- Tech F397/F399
My research is grounded in stratigraphy, with a particular focus on chronostratigraphy via the integration of stratigraphic data with geochronology, astrochronology, and chemostratigraphy. Many studies are directed at development of high-resolution time scales for stratigraphic successions through application of the tools mentioned above, as well as sequence stratigraphic techniques. The driving motivation for improved time scales builds from my other main research interest—understanding the processes that control burial of carbon in ancient sediments and the relationships between changes in the global carbon cycle and ocean-climate interactions. A particular emphasis of my work has been Ocean Anoxic Events, and more recently, other major ocean-climate perturbations such as the Neoproterozoic glaciations, the P-Tr boundary, the K-T boundary, and the PETM, which are subjects of study by PhD. and post doctoral advisees collaborating with myself and departmental colleagues Jacobson and Hurtgen. I have devoted much of my career to studies of the Cretaceous Western Interior basin of North America, but recent work has included a number of other research sites in Europe and Asia, as well as ODP core samples.
EARTH 114: Evolution and the Scientific Method
EARTH 330: Sedimentary Geology
EARTH 331: Field Problems in Sedimentary Geology
ISEN 230 / PHIL 270: Climate Change and Sustainability: Economic and Ethical Dimensions
ISEN 410 / EARTH342: Topics in Contemporary Energy and Climate Change
Selected Publications
Li, Y., Singer, B.S., Takashima, R., Schmitz, M.R., Podrecca, L, Sageman, B.B., Selby, D., Yamanaka, T., Mohr, M.T., Hayashi, K, Tomaru, T., Savatic, K., 2024, in press, Radioisotopic chronology of ocean anoxic event 1a: Framework for analysis of driving mechanisms, Science Advances.
Trayler, R.B., Meyers, S.R., Sageman, B.B., and Schmitz, M.D., 2024, Bayesian integration of astrochronology and radioisotope geochronology, Geochronology 6: 107–123.
Sageman, B.B., Jones, M.M., Arthur, M.A., Niezgodzki, I. and D. Horton, 2024, Late Cenomanian Plenus Event in the Western Interior Seaway, Special Section on “11th International Cretaceous Symposium, Warsaw 2022. The 200th Anniversary of the Cretaceous System. Proceedings Volume”, edited by I. Walaszczyk, E.A.M. Koutsoukos, M. Machalski, J.W.M. Jagt and E.Jagt-Yazykova, Cretaceous Research 156: 105798.
Laurin, J., Uličný, D., Waltham, D., Toman, P., Warsitzka, M., and Sageman, B.B., 2023, Contrasting response of sea-level change to orbital eccentricity in greenhouse and icehouse climates, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 622: 118421.
Singer, B.S., Jicha, B.R., Sawyer, D., Walaszczyk, I., Landman, N., McKinney, K.C. and Sageman, B.B., 2023, A 40Ar/39Ar and U-Pb Time Scale for the Cretaceous Western Interior Basin, North America, in: Hart, M. B., Batenburg, S. J., Huber, B. T., Price, G. D., Thibault, N., Wagreich, M. and Walaszczyk, I. (eds) Cretaceous Project 200, Volume 1: The Cretaceous World, Geol. Soc. of London Spec. Pub. 544.
Wang, J., Jacobson, A.D., Sageman, B.B., and Hurtgen, M.T., 2023, Application of the δ44/40Ca-δ88/86Sr multi-proxy to Namibian Marinoan cap carbonates. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 353: 13-27.
Jones, M.M., Sageman, B.B., Jacobson, A.D., and Selby, D., 2023, Abrupt episode of mid-Cretaceous ocean acidification triggered by massive volcanism, Nature Geoscience 16: 169–174.
Kitch G.D., Jacobson A.D., Sageman B.B., Coccioni, R., Chung-Swanson, T., Ankney, M.E., and Hurtgen M.T., 2022, Calcium isotope ratios of malformed foraminifera reveal biocalcification stress preceded Oceanic Anoxic Event 2, Comm.-Earth and Environment 3: 315.
Linzmeier, B.J., Jacobson, A.D., Sageman, B.B., Hurtgen, M.T., Ankney, M.E., Masterson, A. and N.H. Landman, 2022, Isotope systematics of subfossil, historical, and modern Nautilus macromphalus from New Caledonia, PLoS One 17 (12), e0277666.
Walaszczyk, I., Čech, S., Crampton, J.S., Dubicka, Z., Ifrim, C., Jarvis, I., Kennedy, W.J., Lees, J.A., Lodowski, D., Pearce, M., Peryt, D., Sageman, B.B., Schiøler, P., Todes, J., Uličný, D., Voigt, S., Wiese, F., 2021, The Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the base of the Coniacian Stage (Salzgitter-Salder, Germany) and its auxiliary sections (Słupia Nadbrzeżna, central Poland; Střeleč, Czech Republic; and El Rosario, NE Mexico), Episodes 45(2): 181-220.
Ma, C., Meyers, S.M., and Sageman, B.B., 2017, Theory of chaotic orbital variations confirmed by Cretaceous geological data, Nature 542: 468-472.