Midwest Geobiology Symposium
September 14, 2022
The Midwest Geobiology Symposium is an annual, day-long conference that draws researchers from around the region to present their latest work on all things geobiology! The symposium is a friendly, student-run event, and will take place on October 1, 2022 from 8am-6pm in the Earth and Planetary Science department's 2nd wing atrium. Oral presentations will take place in the nearby LR3 room in the Technological Institute, while meals, coffee breaks, and poster sessions will take place in the EPS atrium. We invite anyone with an interest in geobiology to attend! Undergraduates, graduate students, postdocs, faculty, and staff are all invited. Registration is free, but RSVPs are required via the following link: https://midwestgeobiology.org/registration/
Main event website: https://midwestgeobiology.org
Symposium date: October 1, 8am-6pm (Tech F-Wing 2nd Floor Atrium)
Icebreaker social: September 30, 6pm-9pm (Peckish Pig)