Wrist Joint Flexibility Exercises: tekubi kansetsu jūnan-hō 手首関節柔軟法

  1. (dai-)ikkyō (ude osae) undō (第)一教(腕押え)運動 = First teaching (arm pin) exercise
  2. (dai-)nikyō (kote mawashi) undō (第)二教(小手回し)運動 = Second teaching (wrist in-turn) exercise
  3. (dai-)sankyō (kote hineri) undō (第)三教(小手捻り)運動 = Third teaching (wrist twist) exercise
  4. kote gaeshi undō 小手返し運動 = Wrist out-turn exercise
  5. tekubifuri undō 手首振り運動 = tekubifuri shindō 手首振り振動 = Wrist shaking exercise

Body Movement Exercises: aiki taisō 合氣体操

  1. kōhō tentō undō 後方転倒運動 = kōhō ukemi undō 後方受身運動 = Back-fall exercise
  2. funakogi undō 船漕ぎ運動 = Boat-rowing exercise
  3. shōmen uchi ikkyō undō 正面打ち一教運動 = Head-strike first-teaching exercise [i.e., blocking]
  4. zengo undō 前後運動 = Before-and-behind exercise [i.e., pivoting]
  5. happō undō 八方運動 = Eight-directions exercise
  6. tekubi kōsa undō 手首交差運動 = Wrist crossing exercise
  7. tekubi jōhō kōsa undō 手首上方交差運動 = Wrist upper-crossing exercise
  8. sayu undō 左右運動 = Right-and-left exercise [i.e., swaying extension]
  9. sayu chōyaku undō 左右跳躍運動 = Right-and-left springing-exercise [i.e., swaying extension with step]
  10. udefuri undō 腕振り運動 = Arm-swinging exercise
  11. udefuri chōyaku undō 腕振り跳躍運動 = Arm-swinging springing-exercise [i.e., spinning]
  12. ushiro tori undō 後取り運動 = Taken-from-behind exercise [i.e., forward extension]
  13. ushiro tekubitori zenshin undō 後手首取り前進運動 = Wrists-taken-from-behind advancing exercise
  14. ushiro tekubitori kōtai undō 後手首取り後退運動 = Wrists-taken-from-behind retreating exercise
  15. tenkan undō 転換運動 = Turning exercise
  16. zempō kaiten undō 前方回転運動 = mae ukemi 前受身 = Forward tumbling exercise
  17. ushiro ukemi 後受身 = Backward tumbling
  18. shikkō 膝行 = Knee-walking [i.e., "Samurai walk"]

Ending Movement Exercises: shūmatsu dōsa 終末動作

(version 2013-10-06-a)

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